Danish Aerospace Company A/S (DAC) will receive a subcontract under the European Defense Fund for participation in the ABITS project (Advanced Biometrics In Training and Simulation), along with companies from three other countries. The project aim is to develop an in-door tactical training technology that integrates medical sensor feedback in the simulation environment.

This is the second time DAC enters the arena for wearable sensors for extreme environments on Earth and within the area of defense.

With the subsidy from EU’s Defense Fund for participation in the ABITS project (Advanced Biometrics In Training and Simulation) the coming two years will be focusing on development of an in-door tactical training solution that integrates data driven, physiological sensor based, quantification of performance, wellbeing and analytics in the training-simulation loop. It will capture and quantify the trainee's psycho-physical state, e.g., attention, stress, cognitive load, based on non-invasive physiological sensors integrated into training and simulation environment.

The project is part of the EU Commission’s recently published results for the European Defense Fund Program 2021.

The project is led by the Slovenian company Guardiaris and the consortium consists of two other companies from Italy and Austria, and with DAC as subcontractor. The ABITS project has been evaluated by an independent assessment committee and found suitable for support via the European Defense Fund under the theme “Open call dedicated to SMEs for development of innovative and future-oriented defense solutions” and has a total budget of DKK 16.6 million (EUR 2.23 million).

DAC will be involved in the sensors and monitoring technology for feedback wrt. the wellbeing of the trainee. DAC's total expected subcontract under the project is approximately DKK 1.49 million. (200,000 EUR) The project is expected to start in the autumn of 2022 and run for two years and consists of development, design, prototyping and a test phase.

CEO, Thomas A. E. Andersen, is extremely happy.

“It is fantastic, that we with the ABITS projects will be able to continue the development of our wearable sensor systems for defense purposes. It supplements our other EDEIP CUIIS-diver project selected last year. This emphasizes our opportunity to continue to pursue this important strategic area which was identified at our IPO in 2019.

Here, we again can utilize our space experience and technologies within a very different area here on Earth. Our internal development activities on wearable sensors have led to this point, and with the support of the European Defense Fund, we will have the opportunity to continue to pursue developments within the defense area.” explains Thomas A. E. Andersen.


For further information:

Thomas A. E. Andersen, CEO, Danish Aerospace Company A/S

Mobile: +45 40 29 41 62, Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.