The CEVIS (Cycle Ergometer with Vibration Isolation and Stabilization System) is a recumbent bicycle which provides aerobic exercise and is intended as a countermeasure for the harmful physiological effects of exposure to microgravity that are anticipated during stays on the ISS.

The CEVIS ergometer is utilized as part of the crewmembers weekly exercise schedule. It is designed for use as a component of the Crew Health Care System (CHeCS) and Human Research Facility (HRF) on the ISS. CEVIS also has the capability to support ISS science activities, pre-breathe extravehicular activities (EVA), periodic fitness evaluations (PFE), and pre-landing fitness evaluations.


CEVIS provides aerobic and cardiovascular conditioning through cycling activities on the ISS. CEVIS also has the capability to support ISS science experiments, pre-breathe EVA s, PFEs, and pre-landing fitness evaluations. CEVIS is operated in the US Lab on the ISS and usage depends on crewmember exercise preference and weekly usage varies from 2-7 times for 30-90 minutes per session per crewmember.

CEVIS is a modified version of the Shuttle Inertial Vibration Isolation and Stabilization (IVIS) Cycle Ergometer with the principal difference being the addition of an electronic control system. CEVIS is computer controlled and maintains a very accurate workload independent of the pedaling speed of the crewmember.

View CEVIS Specifications

The first CEVIS unit was launched to ISS on Space Shuttle Discovery STS-102 in 2001 and a unit have been functional on the International Space Station ever since. A contingency controller for CEVIS was launched on a Progress vehicle in 2004. The initial CEVIS unit was replaced in orbit in 2006 when a new was launched on Space Shuttle Discovery STS-126 and the old one brought down. In 2007 another unit was launched on Endeavour STS-118. A new modernized control panel for CEVIS was launch in 2009 on Discovery STS-119.

  • Development: from 2000 to present
  • Mass is 26,8 kg
  • The pedals, when rotated, drive a flywheel through a planetary gear set. Friction/resistance is applied to the wheel by a braking band that is tightened by a spring-tipped ball screw that is driven by a stepper motor. Feedback from the load beam torque sensor enables the stepper motor to maintain a fixed friction/resistance.
  • A Display/Control Panel provides the subject with an interface to the control electronics of the ergometer. The Display/Control Panel consists of an embedded single board computer with four hard disks and RAM
  • Several modes exist for flight, training, qualification and research


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