PR/photo: Astronaut Andreas Mogensen on DAC's CEVIS bike (credit ESA/NASA).

Danish Aerospace Company, headquartered in Odense, has performed very well in 2018, according to the company's recently published annual report. Turnover grew from DKK 14.1 million in 2017 to DKK 20.6 million in 2018. That corresponds to an increase of 46 per cent. Profit before tax was DKK 1.9 million compared to DKK 1.1 million the year before.

The CEO of Danish Aerospace Company, Thomas A. E. Andersen, is pleased with the results.

"We have good reason to celebrate with such excellent growth in our turnover and the fact that our profits have also gone up. We have invested considerably in our business over the last few years, and we are now seeing our efforts begin to bear fruit. I expect, however, that in the coming years we are going to see yet even more growth ahead. There are plenty of new business areas where we are seeing opportunities for us to make our entry," says Thomas A. E. Andersen.

Since 1988, Danish Aerospace Company has specialised in the development and production of   medical instrumentation and exercise equipment for use in outer space, and for the last ten years the company has been an exclusive supplier to the international space agencies NASA and ESA, delivering their special CEVIS space bicycles which ensure that astronauts are able to put strain on their   muscles and thereby train them even in spite of the weightlessness in space.

Equipment produced by Danish Aerospace Company has been used on board the space shuttles Soyuz, Progress and Dragon, as well as on both ATV and HTV vessels. In addition, the CEVIS bicycle has also been used on the International Space Station, the Russian MIR station and on Spacelab and SpaceHab. In 2017, Danish Aerospace Company established a subsidiary in Houston, Texas, which is intended, among other things, to secure an even more active role in NASA's manned space programmes.

"There is considerable potential within new business areas where we believe that our technological competencies can be put to good use," says Thomas A. E. Andersen.

It is the Danish business man Mikael Goldschmidt who, via M. Goldschmidt Capital A/S, owns 100 per cent of Danish Aerospace Company.


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